Sunday, December 14, 2008

Some random Maya scripts

Sorry for a technical post, but thought it worth throwing these up here, if only so I could have them available wherever I'm working, in case I forget my drive ;)
BTW, I just threw these together while working to help myself out, make no claims as to their value to anyone else or my competence in putting them together. . .
zbw_playblast: (rt-click to dnload)
For when I'm animating. Nothing here that you can't do from the gui, just all in one place. buttons for toggling overscan, title/action safe and gate, renaming the playblast, changing the bkgrnd color, etc. When I was working on the Nickelodeon job (more later when it comes out), we had tons of things in the scene, so there's also a button to toggle on/off the curves/geo/other stuff.
zbw_groupOrient:(rt-click to dnload)
select the object/joint, then select the control for it and the script will create a group over the control, orient the group to the object, then rename the group to the control name + "_GRP". Useful for rigging.

zbw_changeColor: (rt_click to dnload)
Turns on the color override for selected objects and gives a slider to change color. Lets you do multiple objects at once, which is useful. Again, pretty much just for rigging.

I wrote a full body rigging script, which I'm still tweaking. That's a bit more complicated, so maybe I'll post something about that later.
UPDATE: Fixed links, sorry.

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