Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Creating an auto-swimming fish rig using expressions

I while back I posted a video about using joint chains in rigs and one of the things I demoed was a fish rig I had created for Method Studios. I got a bunch of questions about how I set that up, so here are a couple of videos about using expressions to control the auto-swim part of that rig (which IMO is the tricky part).
If you're an expert at expressions and such, probably nothing new here but if you're not this might be a good example of using expressions in rigs (for things other than auto-stretch, which seems to be the most common thing) . . .

Maya/Rigging: Creating an auto-swim fish rig using expressions, Part 1 from zeth willie on Vimeo.

Maya/Rigging: Creating an auto-swim fish rig using expressions, Part 2 from zeth willie on Vimeo.

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